
Wednesday, 18 May 2011


-Procrastination is the thief of time-

I couldn't agree more with this saying. I know I have assignments to complete but every time I sit in front of my computer try to finish it, I end up surfing the internet reading random blogs, blog-hopping, Facebook, check e-mails, and well blogging *blush*

Then somedays, I will end up signing into my MSN account and chat the day away.

My bad habit of procrastinating kept delaying my work until it is the last minute, this is no good sighs. Internet is a big distraction but without internet, I couldn't dig necessary information to complete any task! Such a dilemma.

I know about controlling myself and setting priorities but the problem is, I have zero self-discipline. In order to be really productive, I have to stay away from the internet. Blocking irrelevant sites like Facebook, E-mails and Instant Messaging services will be effective in blocking me off these distractions during times when I should be really focusing on my work.

Anyone can teach me how to block myself from these sites for a fixed number of hours everyday??

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